Psychological Assessments
Psychological assessments are comprehensive evaluations that address academic, occupational, social, psychiatric, or cognitive issues that help patients understand strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for treatment. Our goal is to provide a report with a comprehensive breakdown that ties a complex picture into an easy to understand and helpful evaluation. We want your report to answer your questions and provide you with effective recommendations in the future.
Psychological Evaluations
- Psychological evaluations can be used to clarify diagnosis, assess personality functioning, screen for cognitive problems, or provide recommendations for treatment. Our evaluations use evidence-based techniques to provide answers to some of your most complex questions. Some of our most common referral questions include assessment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Learning Disorders.

- In addition, psychological assessments can help provide accommodations for testing. This includes the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT and MCAT, among others. These evaluations can be a first step towards providing you with an opportunity to perform at your maximum potential.